3,215 research outputs found

    Geologic Processes: Unearthed

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    Cross-reactivity between major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen and Rous sarcoma virus (RSV)-induced tumor associated antigen (TAA) in chickens was investigated. The B erythrocyte allcantigen locus was the genetic marker for the MHC. B2B2 and B5B5 chickens from crosses of highly inbred lines 6-1 and 15-1 and B24B24 chickens from noninbred line UNH 105 were used. B2B2 chickens rendered partially tolerant to B5 antigen through multiple intraperitoneal inoculations of either viable or lysed white blood cells (WBC) or viable red blood cells (REC) from B5B5 chickens had a significantly higher incidence of tumor progression than untreated, phosphate buffered saline treated, or B2B2 WBC inoculated B2B2 chickens. The criteria of tolerance were absence of antibody to the cell type inoculated and acceptance of skin allografts from B5B5 donors by B2B2 chickens. The higher incidence of tumor progression did not result from a non-specific effect of graft versus host activity (GVH) because GVH activity was present only in chickens inoculated with B5B5 viable WBC. B5 antigen-TAA cross-reactivity was indicated because B2B2 chickens partially tolerant to B5 antigen were also tolerant to RSV-induced tumor, as shown by an increased incidence of tumor progression. Since WBC and REC share B-F antigens, and both were involved in producing the partial tolerance, the B-F region of the MHC was implicated in the cross-reactivity. Cross-reactivity was also observed when lymphocytes from B2B2 chickens bearing RSV-induced tumors lysed in vitro targets of B2B2 and B5B5 RSV-infected chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) and B5B5 normal CEF, but did not lyse B2B2 and B24B24 normal CEF. Lymphocytes from normal B2B2 chickens did not lyse any of the five types of CEF targets. Cross-reactivity was observed yet again when absorption with B2B2 RSV-infected CEF significantly lowered the titer of B2B2 anti-B5B5 alloantisera. Alloantisera absorption studies also showed that both RSV-infected and uninfected CEF shared alloantigens, in particular B-F allcantigens, with syngeneic RBC\u27s further supporting the idea that B-F antigen is involved in the cross-reactivity. Cross-reactivity was not observed in the IgG from chickens bearing RSV-induced tumors. Moreover, use of three techniques of immunization of B2B2 chickens with B5B5 cells did not increase the incidence of tumor regression in the immunized chickens, and provided no evidence of cross-reactivity. Although humoral immunity was observed in these two studies, cell-mediated immunity may be relatively more important in tumor regression and the focus of cross-reactivity. Based upon these findings it is hypothesized that B5B5 RSV-induced tumor bearing hosts respond poorly to tumor partially because B5 antigen cross-reacts with TAA. B5B5 individuals, therefore, may have difficulty recognizing RSV-induced tumor as foreign and this severely limits the development cf an effective anti-tumor immunity. Either TAA or a TAA-E2 antigen complex may cross-react with E5 antigen. Cross-reactivity involving cell-mediated immunity may make the difference between tumor regression and progression

    A revised and updated Odonata checklist of Samoa (Insecta: Odonata)

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    Odonata records of the Samoan Archipelago are updated and an updated checklist provided. It is part of an ongoing assessment of the fauna, taxonomy and distributionof the Pacific island dragonflies. The checklist follows recent reviews published/prepared about the Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Fiji and Kingdom of Tonga. This study draws on recent dragonfly records following general insect surveys spanning 2008-2012 funded by Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) via Conserva-tion International (CI) to the authors and to Secretariat Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP) and also by funding from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Other unpublished data from Samoan Archipelago and Niue are included as well. All, but one, of the newly collected Odonata species are widespread within the Pacific region. Hemicordulia cupricoloris the only species from the recent collections which is endemic to Samoa, previously reported for Savai'i and Upolu Islands. It has neverbeen confirmed since its original description in 1927. The new study shows the species as an inhabitant of high altitude zones of Savai'i. It is recommended inland areas of Savai'i and other islands within the Samoan Archipelago should be targeted in further field studies

    Formation and Stabilization of Combustion-Generated Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals on Transition Metal Oxides Supported on Silica

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    The formation of environmentally persistent free radicals in combustion system was investigated from chemisorptions of chlorine- and hydroxy-substituted benzenes on transition metal oxide surface under post-combustion conditions. This manuscript reports the formation of EPFRs on silica particles containing 5% Fe(III)2O3, Ni(II)O, and Zn(II)O. The EPFRs are formed by the chemisorption of substituted aromatic molecular adsorbates on the metal cation center followed by electron transfer from the adsorbate to the metal ion at temperatures from 150 to 400 oC. Depending on the nature of the adsorbate and the temperature, two organic EPFRs were formed: a phenoxyl-type radical, which has a lower g-value of 2.0023-2.0043, and a second semiquinone-type radical, with a g-value of 2.0044-2.0085. In general, the yield of EPFRs on Ni(II)O are similar to Cu(II)O and differs by ~10Ă— compared to Fe(III)2O3. The persistency of the EPFRs is highly dependent on the metals they are associated with. The half-lives of EPFRs on iron and nickel ranged from 24 to 111 and 36 to 128 h, respectively, compared to the half-lives on copper of 27 to 74 min. However, the half-lives measured for the EPFRs on zinc are remarkably higher which range from 72 to1752 h. The higher oxidation potential of the metals is believed to result in increased stabilization of the EPFR once formed, resulting in the longer half-lives. The half-life of EPFRs on BALF was ~2Ă— higher than in serum. On average, twice as much DMPO-OH spin adducts was formed in the presence of EPFR-containing particle compared to non-EPFR-containing particles at higher incubation time. A 10:1 ratio of OH radical concentration formed to the number of EPFR radicals indicates a cyclic process. The inability to identify superoxide radicals in aqueous media, while a DMPO-O2- spin adduct is detected in the aprotic solvents, suggests a very quick transformation of the O2.- in aqueous environment, thus, the superoxide anions self-dismutates in protic environment and forms OH radicals

    A Mixed Methods Approach to Identifying Administration Issues Pertinent in Interscholastic Sports

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate three propositions: a) What are the administration issues most pertinent to interscholastic sport today, as well as the next five years?, b) How important are those administration issues to athletic administrators?, and c) What are the potential implications of those pertinent administration issues to practicing athletic administrators? The literature provides a general overview of relevant issues surrounding interscholastic athletics. However, the importance and implications of relevant issues to practicing high school athletic administrators are difficult to discern. To answer the first proposition, the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) provided 10 contemporary administration issues that were most pertinent to interscholastic sport today, as well as the next five years. To answer the second proposition, a Likert-Scale was created so that practicing athletic administrators could rate each issue on a scale of 5 = extremely important to 1 = very little importance. A national study was conducted with athletic directors from the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (N = 170) annual conference. A one-tailed ANOVA was executed to determine significant differences among the 10 administration issues identified by the MSHSL. Four issues were found to be significant; Athletic Facilities, Athletic Training, Health Issues and Travel Teams. A Games-Howell post hoc was executed to determine significant differences across geographical regions of the United States. For the third proposition, semi-structured interviews were completed to provide insight on the implications for practicing athletic administrators. The results offer insight from which further investigations could be conducted to continue building on policies that influence interscholastic athletic administrators’ day-to-day accountability when overseeing their athletic programs

    Beyond Cost: Product Complexity and the Global Product Development Location Advantage

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    Discussions of location advantages in global product development are largely based on self-reported surveys, and often agnostic to product characteristics. We build on this previous work by investigating location advantages and the influence of product complexity using negative binomial models. We find that the likelihood of developing products in a country increases as its market size, number of engineering graduates and national capability increases. However, it neither varies with labor cost nor market growth rate. We also find that complex products are more likely to be developed in countries with high national capability, and national capability is directly related to firm capability

    Complete and safe resection of challenging retroperitoneal tumors: anticipation of multi-organ and major vascular resection and use of adjunct procedures.

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    BackgroundRetroperitoneal tumors are often massive and can involve adjacent organs and/or vital structures, making them difficult to resect. Completeness of resection is within the surgeon's control and critical for long-term survival, particularly for malignant disease. Few studies directly address strategies for complete and safe resection of challenging retroperitoneal tumors.MethodsFifty-six patients representing 63 cases of primary or recurrent retroperitoneal tumor resection between 2004-2009 were identified and a retrospective chart review was performed. Rates of complete resection, use of adjunct procedures, and perioperative complications were recorded.ResultsIn 95% of cases, complete resection was achieved. Fifty-eight percent of these cases required en bloc multi-organ resection, and 8% required major vascular resection. Complete resection rates were higher for primary versus recurrent disease. Adjunct procedures (ureteral stents, femoral nerve monitoring, posterior laminotomy, etc.) were used in 54% of cases. Major postoperative complications occurred in 16% of cases, and one patient died (2% mortality).ConclusionsComplete resection of challenging retroperitoneal tumors is feasible and can be done safely with important pre- and intraoperative considerations in mind

    Understanding Enterprise Risk Across an Aquisition Portfolio: A Grounded Theory Approach

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    Every acquisition program contains risks. But what impact do these risks have on the entire portfolio of acquisition activities? What does risk at the Enterprise level really mean? For example, risk collectively could portend great danger to the acquisition manager’s overall portfolio which might be otherwise masked by traditional program performance and analysis. Alternatively, these risks also might represent opportunities to achieve greater results when analyzed from a portfolio perspective. Initial review of the literature suggests that most leaders are unable to articulate the risk carried by their portfolio of product development activities or what this means to them. However, the same literature suggests they strongly desire this capability. Beginning with a review of the applicable literature in the areas of risk, product development (acquisition) and product portfolio management, portfolio-level risk applications are found to be sparse and ill-conceived. Initial analysis of interviews with portfolio leaders involving military product development activities in portfolios of large, complex, system development will be presented with a discussion of the implications of enterprise risk for product portfolio management
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